Petr Volek
Master Trainer – Naturopath certified
Specialty: Corrective exercises, sport-specific training, and overall strengthening
Éducations: Concordia University
Spécialisations: Entraîner à utiliser le Système THT® et 20 ans d’expérience dans l’obtention de RÉSULTATS de façon SÉCURITAIRE
Holds personal training certificates in:
- YMCA Canada
- BOSU Certified
- Functional Aging Institute
- National Sports Performance Association
- Canadian Fitness Professionals
- Spinning Certification
Holds an online personal training certificate:
- Certified Online Coaching Specialist
CPR Certified
Petr’s passion for fitness started back in Czechoslovakia on their national gymnastics team. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Recreation and Leisure and a certificate in Health and Fitness from Concordia University in Montréal, Québec. He equally worked as a coach. More than 20 years ago, he turned his passion into a career by earning several fitness certifications such as Naturopath, YMCA, Canfitpro and Mad Dogg Spinning, to name just a few of them. Through the years he has developed an experience in a variety of muscle reactivation programs, back corrective exercises as well as programs for seniors.
Petr is known for his sense of humour and his contagious energy. With a wealth of fitness knowledge and experience under his belt, Petr will help you achieve your goals through designing dynamic training sessions and complete fitness evaluations that focus on safety and effectiveness that get results.