Why Our In-Home Fitness Training Services is One of The Best


At Total Home Training (THT®), we understand the paramount importance of a personalized approach to your fitness journey. We are committed to assisting you in identifying and tailoring a solution that perfectly aligns with your unique needs and aspirations.

Flexible Scheduling

Unlike our competitors, we have a team of 25 THT® trainers who work together to cover our clients’ schedules. This means that you are not reliant on just one trainer’s availability. If your regular THT® trainer is unavailable, we can arrange for another qualified THT® trainer to step in and ensure your training sessions are not disrupted. With us, you can have the peace of mind of having two THT® trainers available to cover your schedule and get you smacking results.

Your Safety is First

At our company, we prioritize the safety of our clients above all. Our organization’s team of THT® trainers is dedicated to delivering high-quality training services. We take pride in our commitment to providing exceptional training programs to our clients. We carefully assess your fitness level and tailor the workouts according to your needs, ensuring you progress safely toward your goals without any unnecessary strain or injuries.
Certified and Qualified Professionals

All our THT® trainers are certified, insured, and qualified professionals who make a living by helping people achieve all their fitness goals. You can trust their expertise and experience, as they possess extensive knowledge in the field. We help guide you and ensure proper technique to reach your goals safely. You are in good hands.

Comprehensive Nutrition Guidance

As part of our commitment to your overall well-being, we offer excellent nutrition tips and guidance at no additional charge. Realizing that exercise alone may not be sufficient to attain the best possible results is essential. Our THT® trainers will work with you to create personalized plans to optimize your weight loss and complement your fitness routine, helping you reach your goals faster and more effectively.
Results-Oriented Approach

Our primary goal is to help you achieve your desired results safely and efficiently. We understand your time is valuable and want to ensure you get the most out of your training sessions. With our expertise and personalized approach, we will help you reach your goals and get back to doing what is most important to you.

Minimal Space and Equipment Requirements

Need a home gym? No problem! Our trainers are skilled at designing workouts that require minimal space and equipment. We bring the necessary equipment, so you don’t have to worry about investing in expensive exercise machines or cluttering your home. Whether you have a small apartment or a spacious house, we can adapt our training sessions to suit your environment.
Proud Montreal Business

We are proud to have served Montreal and surrounding areas for 30 years. As a local business, we are deeply rooted in the community and genuinely care about our clients’ well-being. When you choose our in-home training services, you support a business and become part of a fitness family dedicated to helping you lead a healthier and happier life.


Choosing our in-home training services over our competitors offers numerous advantages. From flexible scheduling to certified trainers, comprehensive nutrition guidance, and a results-oriented approach, we are committed to providing you with the best fitness experience possible. Don’t let limited space or lack of equipment hold you back; we bring everything you need. Join us today and experience the difference!